Focus on God

Focus on God

Focus on God

Hebrews 2:1-2

Intro: Pay attention or you will ______.

  1. Drift spiritually, morally, physically, and _________.
  2. “Worship money and you will never have _______.” Rockefeller
  3. Israel, Christians and our even our U.S. country– all _______.
  4. Drifting is disastrous to our country and our ______.
  5. God says, “Concentrate on My _______.”
  6. When we drift, we take our ____ off God.
  7. Soaring _________ at Disney World.
  8. I Samuel 17–Israelites looked at everything ______.
  9. V. 33 – You are a boy and he is a fighting _______.” –Saul
  10. V. 36 – He has ______ the armies of the living God.” –David
  11. V. 45 – I come to your in the name of the LORD ______…” –David
  12. David didn’t look at _____ but God.
  13. Don’t look at your problems, look at _.
  14. Matthew 8:5-8 Soldier believed Jesus could take care of his _________.
  15. Genesis 22:1-5 …”_____ will come back.”—Abraham

Concl: Stay focused on God and not your ________.