About Us

About Us

The Lincoln Park Church of Christ is a family of believers that love God and one another. We are simply Christians seeking to honor God as we worship and praise Him and serve Him in our daily lives. We strive to make a difference in the lives of our members, their families and friends, in our community and throughout the world. We feel blessed to be part of this congregation and are excited about what the Lord is doing here. We’d love nothing more than for you to come to be a part of it.

Whether you grew up attending church services or are just beginning to think about God for the first time or after a long time, we invite you to continue exploring this website and then consider attending one of our services.

 Want to learn more?

Thank you for visiting the Lincoln Park Church of Christ website. We hope and pray that you will find this site useful in your quest to learn more about God, Jesus and the Church.   If you have any questions that are not answered in these pages, please feel free to contact the church office at 313-928-5810 or send us an email.


It is our desire to serve the Downriver area by connecting people to God, to one another, and to a sense of greater purpose.

Connecting People to God: God created us to be His sons and daughters, and He desires that we become like Him. Our heartfelt desire is that people encounter God at Lincoln Park and strengthen their connections with Jesus Christ each and every day of their lives.

Connecting People to One Another: God created us to be together, to help one another through the struggles of life and to rejoice with one another during times of celebration. At Lincoln Park, we are committed to helping people develop and deepen meaningful connections with others.

Connecting People to A Purpose: God created us for a reason, and that reason is to bring glory to His Name. He has also gifted each of us with special talents that are to be used for His Kingdom. We want people to be connected to purpose and live complete and fulfilled lives on earth as they prepare for an eternal life with Jesus in heaven.

Ready to connect?

We’d love to have a Bible study with you. We can meet at the building, in your home or ours. We can even do a Bible study over Zoom if you’d prefer. Just fill out this form and we’ll have someone contact you to find a time that works.
