Sermon Archive (Page 24)

Sermon Archive (Page 24)

Complete Sermon Archive

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Are you confident in prayer?

Scriptures Referenced Matthew 9:36-38James 5:16Luke 18:1-8Psalm 13:1Habakkuk 1:22 Peter 2:9Romans 12:191 Peter 5:6-7Luke 6:46Luke 22:422 Samuel 12:15-231 Peter 3:12John 9:31

Parable of the Fig Tree

Scriptures Referenced Luke 13:1–91 John 1:8–102 Corinthians 7:10Romans 3:23Revelation 21:8Acts 17:30–31Luke 13:6–9Ezekiel 33:112 Peter 3:8–9John 15:8Colossians 1:13–14

What is Truth?

Scriptures Referenced John 14:6John 16:13John 17:17Romans 2:2 (NKJV)John 8:322 Timothy 2:15John 14:15Mark 7:7–9Jeremiah 10:23John 14:6John 8:31–32John 15:10Colossians 2:8