Sermon Archive (Page 26)

Sermon Archive (Page 26)

Complete Sermon Archive

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What is our Purpose?

Scriptures Referenced Philippians 3:13–14Genesis 11:6John 17:20–21Psalm 133:1Romans 8:281 Thessalonians 4:71 Timothy 4:7Colossians 1:10

Spiritual Starvation

Scriptures Referenced John 6:32–35John 8:242 Chronicles 7:14John 8:12Matthew 5:14–16Philippians 2:14–151 John 2:15–17

At The Tomb

Scriptures Referenced Matthew 27:57-58John 19:39Matthew 27:59-60John 19:38Matthew 27:61Matthew 27:62–66Philippians 4:12-131 Peter 1:6–7

The Sign of Jonah

Scriptures Referenced: Matthew 12:38-40Jonah 2:1–4Matthew 27:46Matthew 12:41Acts 2:41Romans 1:41 Peter 3:20–22Romans 6:3–51 Corinthians 15:58Matthew 28:19–20