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Acts 3: Creating an opportunity
Taught live Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Are You Salty
Scriptures Referenced Matthew5:13Matthew 28:18-20
Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Taught live Sunday, January 15, 2023
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Taught live Wednesday January 11, 2023
Biblical Anger
Taught live Sunday Evening, January 8, 2023
Happy New Year
Scriptures Referenced Ecclesiastes 9:10Matthew 6:331 Corinthians 9:24–27Hebrews 11:61 Timothy 6:11–121 John 3:11John 13:352 Corinthians 5:15Matthew 16:24–26Philippians 1:27
Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 12
Introduction Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness: Deeper StudyLooking into the Face of JesusThe Life of Christ, 1: Pages 105-115 Outline: Lesson Plan 12 A. The location1. The holy city—Jerusalem2. Most revered site in the city—the temple 3. Most prominent point – the pinnacle III. The Third Temptation—the Test of His Mission (Matthew 4:8–11) Conclusion
Tongues at Pentacost
Taught live Wednesday, January 3, 2023
Are you a good person
Scriptures Referenced Romans 5:7Ecclesiastes12:13Genesis3:17Genesis9:21Exodus2:12Genesis16:2Judges14:22 Samuel11:1-12:311 Kings19:3-4Luke18:19Romans5:12Romans6:3-4
Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 11
Introduction Jesus’ Temptation Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 105-115 Outline: Lesson Plan 11 Conclusion 1. The 3 temptations—remember 1 John 2:16.2. Turning the Stones into bread: “lust of the flesh” (appetite)3. Jumping safely from the temple: “pride of life” (acclaim)4. Viewing the glory of the kingdoms of the world: “lust of the eyes” (avarice)
5 Warnings for the Christmas Season
I Timothy 6 A. This season depends on what we chose to focus on. B. Paul letter was written to several groups. C. Groups: D. Do not write off the rich because we don’t know what they do with their riches. E. (V 18) Don’t get conceited but: F. Dangers of Christmas: Closing: Student’s gift to the teacher.
Acts: Replacing an Apostle
Taught live Wednesday, December 21, 2022