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The Good Shepherd
Scriptures Referenced: Psalm 103:1-2Psalm 23:6James 1:17Psalm 83:14Psalm 27:4John 14:1–3
Life of Christ Lesson 10
Introduction Jesus’ Baptism Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 103-105 Outline: Lesson Plan 10 A. What happened when Jesus came up out of the water? 1. The Holy Spirit descended upon Him as a dove. 2. God spoke (see Matthew 3:16, 17). C. The three Persons of the Godhead1. All three were present doing different things. 2. But they, together, constitute the One God. Conclusion D. John knew that Jesus was the Messiah. How?…
What’s the Role of the Holy Spirit?
Taught live Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Don’t be a Meddler
Taught live Sunday Evening, December 11, 2022
Church Membership
Outline Ephesians 5:25-33 Intro: Is Church Membership essential? Concl: The plan involves the Church. Scriptures Referenced Acts 20:28Ephesians 5:25Acts 2:47Acts 9:26
Two-Part Miracle: Seeing clearly
Taught Live Sunday December 11, 2022
Anxiety in Trials
Taught live Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Praise God for your Victories
Scriptures Referenced: Psalm 18:1–31 Samuel 17:47Psalm 18:31-39Ephesians 6:102 Corinthians 10:41 John 5:4Revelation 19:6Revelation 22:12–131 John 5:13
Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 9
Introduction The Beginning of the Ministry of John Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 93-99 Outline: Lesson Plan 9 I. The Beginning of His Ministry 5. He would explain who was to repent, what it meant, and what would happen if you did not. II. The Message of His Ministry A. It was message of change. III. The Baptism of His Ministry “baptizer.”baptism was one of immersion. C. John’s 3:23). 5. John and Jesus…
Anxiety into Humility
Taught live Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Trials vs Temptations
Taught live Sunday Evening, November 27, 2022
How to Keep Unity in the Congregation
Scriptures Referenced: Genesis 2:18Ephesians 2:21–22Ephesians 4:1–3Ephesians 4:15–16Romans 15:5–6Philippians 1:27