Sermon Archive (Page 6)

Sermon Archive (Page 6)

Complete Sermon Archive

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Christ is the Way

1) Christ = The Way to Forgiveness 2) Christ = The Way to Peace and Happiness. 3) Christ = The Way to Holiness Holiness is required to please God = Spiritual cleanness, purity, sanctification. 4) Christ = The Way to Blessings. Conditional Blessings to Only Obedient. Unconditional Blessings to Everyone. 5) Christ = The Way to God and Heaven

Who do men say that I Am?

Scriptures Referenced Matthew 21:25Colossians 3:17Matthew 16:15John 8:24Matthew 16:16John 3:1–2Matthew 16:17Matthew 16:18Isaiah 28:161 Corinthians 3:11Matthew 16:19

How to Study the Bible

Question: In the sermon on the mount, Jesus Said, “judge not” (Matt 7:1) but later He Said, “judge righteous judgement”  (John 7:24). Explain please. Opening: 3 keys to unlocking a puzzling passage are: context, context and context.  I. Abortion II. Homosexuality  III. Baptism  Close: Stay out of the judging business.