Sermons on 1 Corinthians (Page 2)

Sermons on 1 Corinthians (Page 2)

Jesus Said Not to Judge, Right?

Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 2:151 Corinthians 5:12–13Galatians 1:81 John 4:1Galatians 2:11Matthew 18:15John 7:24Matthew 7:15–16Matthew 7:1–4James 1:22-24Matthew 7:5

Modesty and Appropriateness Part 3

Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 10:31Luke 16:13James 4:4-51 John 2:152 Corinthians 6:17Ephesians 5:5-7Ephesians 5:8–111 Corinthians 15:58Matthew 12:30Titus 2:11–15 Guidelines

Choice of Friends: Positive or Negative?

Your Choice of Friends Can Have Either Positive or Negative Consequences on Your Life Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 27:6Proverbs 27:171 Corinthians 15:33-34Proverbs 2:12–15Proverbs 17:17Proverbs 18:24

Be Imitators of Me

Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 11:1Philippians 2:5–82 Corinthians 12:151 Peter 2:21–23Matthew 23:371 Peter 5:6–7

The Sign of Jonah

Scriptures Referenced: Matthew 12:38-40Jonah 2:1–4Matthew 27:46Matthew 12:41Acts 2:41Romans 1:41 Peter 3:20–22Romans 6:3–51 Corinthians 15:58Matthew 28:19–20

Happy New Year

Scriptures Referenced Ecclesiastes 9:10Matthew 6:331 Corinthians 9:24–27Hebrews 11:61 Timothy 6:11–121 John 3:11John 13:352 Corinthians 5:15Matthew 16:24–26Philippians 1:27