Sermons on James
Parable of the Growing Seed
Scriptures Referenced Mark 4:26–29Acts 17:24–25Romans 1:16–17James 1:211 Corinthians 3:6–7
What are You Passionate About?
Scriptures Referenced Romans 12:11–12Romans 6:17–18James 2:14-17
Faith in the Midst of Challenges
Scriptures Referenced Mark 2:5Mark 2:1–2Mark 2:3-12Romans 12:15James 2:14–16
Scriptures Referenced Matthew 25:422 Corinthians 9:6–7Matthew 6:24James 4:17Galatians 6:6–72 Thessalonians 1:7–9
Controlled vs Uncontrolled Anger
Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 14:16–17Proverbs 29:22Proverbs 30:33Proverbs 29:20Proverbs 19:19Proverbs 16:32Proverbs 15:23Proverbs 14:29Proverbs 20:3Proverbs 19:11Proverbs 15:1Proverbs 15:18James 1:19–20
Jesus Said Not to Judge, Right?
Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 2:151 Corinthians 5:12–13Galatians 1:81 John 4:1Galatians 2:11Matthew 18:15John 7:24Matthew 7:15–16Matthew 7:1–4James 1:22-24Matthew 7:5
Modesty and Appropriateness Part 3
Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 10:31Luke 16:13James 4:4-51 John 2:152 Corinthians 6:17Ephesians 5:5-7Ephesians 5:8–111 Corinthians 15:58Matthew 12:30Titus 2:11–15 Guidelines
Prayer Powerful and Effective
Taught live Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Amos’s Message to Today’s Church
Scriptures Referenced Jeremiah 44:4–5Amos 4:13Amos 3:1–2James 2:6–9Colossians 3:5–62 Timothy 4:1–4Luke 9:231 Corinthians 9:24–27
Practical Lessons from Elijah
Scriptures Referenced James 5:17–181 Kings 17:24 These three lessons can be easily seen in the life of Elijah.
Are you confident in prayer?
Scriptures Referenced Matthew 9:36-38James 5:16Luke 18:1-8Psalm 13:1Habakkuk 1:22 Peter 2:9Romans 12:191 Peter 5:6-7Luke 6:46Luke 22:422 Samuel 12:15-231 Peter 3:12John 9:31
Desire Conceived Gives Birth to Sin Part 3
Taught live Sunday, December 5 2023 Please note: Initial presentations contained false teaching. The elders met with Dave and corrected his flawed understand. Correction presented in Part 3.