Sermons on James
What are You Passionate About?
Scriptures Referenced Romans 12:11–12Romans 6:17–18James 2:14-17
Faith in the Midst of Challenges
Scriptures Referenced Mark 2:5Mark 2:1–2Mark 2:3-12Romans 12:15James 2:14–16
Scriptures Referenced Matthew 25:422 Corinthians 9:6–7Matthew 6:24James 4:17Galatians 6:6–72 Thessalonians 1:7–9
Controlled vs Uncontrolled Anger
Scriptures Referenced Proverbs 14:16–17Proverbs 29:22Proverbs 30:33Proverbs 29:20Proverbs 19:19Proverbs 16:32Proverbs 15:23Proverbs 14:29Proverbs 20:3Proverbs 19:11Proverbs 15:1Proverbs 15:18James 1:19–20
Jesus Said Not to Judge, Right?
Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 2:151 Corinthians 5:12–13Galatians 1:81 John 4:1Galatians 2:11Matthew 18:15John 7:24Matthew 7:15–16Matthew 7:1–4James 1:22-24Matthew 7:5
Modesty and Appropriateness Part 3
Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 10:31Luke 16:13James 4:4-51 John 2:152 Corinthians 6:17Ephesians 5:5-7Ephesians 5:8–111 Corinthians 15:58Matthew 12:30Titus 2:11–15 Guidelines
Prayer Powerful and Effective
Taught live Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Amos’s Message to Today’s Church
Scriptures Referenced Jeremiah 44:4–5Amos 4:13Amos 3:1–2James 2:6–9Colossians 3:5–62 Timothy 4:1–4Luke 9:231 Corinthians 9:24–27
Practical Lessons from Elijah
Scriptures Referenced James 5:17–181 Kings 17:24 These three lessons can be easily seen in the life of Elijah.
Are you confident in prayer?
Scriptures Referenced Matthew 9:36-38James 5:16Luke 18:1-8Psalm 13:1Habakkuk 1:22 Peter 2:9Romans 12:191 Peter 5:6-7Luke 6:46Luke 22:422 Samuel 12:15-231 Peter 3:12John 9:31
Desire Conceived Gives Birth to Sin Part 3
Taught live Sunday, December 5 2023 Please note: Initial presentations contained false teaching. The elders met with Dave and corrected his flawed understand. Correction presented in Part 3.
What is the Heart in Scripture?
How Can One Become “Pure of Heart”? Scriptures Referenced Ephesians 1:18Romans 1:21Romans 2:5Matthew 12:34Matthew 23:23–28Matthew 15:7–9James 4:81 Peter 1:14–16Hebrews 12:14Philippians 4:8