Sermons by David Szostek (Page 17)

Sermons by David Szostek (Page 17)

Democracy vs Monarchy

Scriptures Referenced I Timothy 6:13–15Revelation 19:11-16Ephesians 5:22–23Matthew 7:21II Corinthians 5:10Romans 8:14–17

Be Imitators of Me

Scriptures Referenced 1 Corinthians 11:1Philippians 2:5–82 Corinthians 12:151 Peter 2:21–23Matthew 23:371 Peter 5:6–7

Happy Father’s Day

Scriptures Referenced 1 Samuel 2:27-291 Samuel 3:11–14Psalm 119:91 Thessalonians 2:11–12Proverbs 19:181 Samuel 2:22–25Mark 16:16