Sermons by David Szostek (Page 22)

Sermons by David Szostek (Page 22)

Happy New Year

Scriptures Referenced Ecclesiastes 9:10Matthew 6:331 Corinthians 9:24–27Hebrews 11:61 Timothy 6:11–121 John 3:11John 13:352 Corinthians 5:15Matthew 16:24–26Philippians 1:27

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 12

Introduction Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness: Deeper StudyLooking into the Face of JesusThe Life of Christ, 1: Pages 105-115 Outline: Lesson Plan 12 A. The location1. The holy city—Jerusalem2. Most revered site in the city—the temple 3. Most prominent point – the pinnacle III. The Third Temptation—the Test of His Mission (Matthew 4:8–11) Conclusion

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 11

Introduction Jesus’ Temptation Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 105-115 Outline: Lesson Plan 11 Conclusion 1. The 3 temptations—remember 1 John 2:16.2. Turning the Stones into bread: “lust of the flesh” (appetite)3. Jumping safely from the temple: “pride of life” (acclaim)4. Viewing the glory of the kingdoms of the world: “lust of the eyes” (avarice)

Life of Christ Lesson 10

Introduction Jesus’ Baptism Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 103-105 Outline: Lesson Plan 10 A. What happened when Jesus came up out of the water? 1. The Holy Spirit descended upon Him as a dove. 2. God spoke (see Matthew 3:16, 17). C. The three Persons of the Godhead1. All three were present doing different things. 2. But they, together, constitute the One God. Conclusion D. John knew that Jesus was the Messiah. How?…