Prophet Hosea

Prophet Hosea

Scriptures Referenced

Hosea 1:2
Hosea 1:6-7
Hosea 1:10-11
Hosea 3:1
2 Peter 3:9


  1. Israel’s unfaithfulness to God (Chapters 1-3)
  2. Israel’s national sins (Chapters 4-13)
  3. Israel’s hope for Redemption (Chapter 14)

Steps to Destruction

  1. First Step in the Northern Kingdoms fall was Israel’s Lack of Knowledge of God.
  2. Second step in Israel’s fall was arrogance.
  3. Third step in Israel’s fall was instability.
  4. Fourth step in Israel’s fall was Worldliness.
  5. Fifth step was reaping the consequences of mixing themselves with the world.
  6. Sixth step was backsliding.
  7. Seventh and final step was that of idolatry.