Reverence and Awe

Reverence and Awe

Scriptures Referenced

Hebrews 2:9
Psalm 8:9
Psalm 9:1-2
Psalm 34:1-3
Psalm 113:1-3
Psalm 122:1
Hebrews 12:28–29


  1. Cell Phone usage
    (Checking Emails, Text messaging, playing Games)
  2. Not singing or partially paying attention.
    (if you are a member of the church, you MUST participate in the worship of God, you are a participant not an observer).
  3. Bringing Food and Drink into the worship assembly.
  4. Overly CASUAL clothing worn to Worship. Would you wear your Shorts, Sandals, and T-shirts to a wedding, funeral, Graduation, Awards Ceremony?