Lets All Strive to be Righteous

Lets All Strive to be Righteous

Righteousness is defined as conformity to God’s Law, both in our hearts and in our deeds, inside and outside. Righteousness comes only by faith in Christ. Righteousness is His character. We are not to be passive; we are to be active in faith. The righteousness of God is His character that justifies His people. We, as His people, are to show our faithfulness back to Him. Christ’s righteousness is given to us (imputed, propitiation) by our faith, which we did not earn; Hence grace is the ultimate free gift.

Understanding Righteousness will help us understand who we are in Christ, what He is doing in us, in others, and in the world, and then what He requires of us. We then can respond better and faster to the opportunities and call He has for us. As we draw near to Him, we know and hear Him better! Let us live our lives and lead our churches because of the love and Righteousness He gives to us. Then, we can respond with gratitude and follow His good example in worship and servant hood.