Rise Again

Rise Again

Life has its ups and downs for sure. At one moment, we may be riding high in the saddle and at the next picking cactus out of our backside. Anyone who has lived for a while knows this. The only question to answer in such circumstances is: Are you going to get back up? The answer is always, “yes.” If you’ve found yourself down lately, now is the time to get going again.

A righteous man may fall seven times and rise again.

Proverbs 24:16

The number seven signifies a complete amount of times that something happens. In other words, this verse is saying that while the righteous may stumble for one reason or another, they will always pick themselves up and keep going. They don’t let adversity keep them down for long.

We’ve had our share of adversity over the past 21 months, but it is time for us to get back up again. We have started resuming many of our “normal” activities over the past several months. This is a good thing. The Lord wants us to do the work that He has set before us to do. We have visits to make, classes to teach, and children to train up.

Now is the time to get involved in the Lord’s work. Perhaps you would consider doing something that you haven’t been involved in until now. There are many things that may be done. Talk to one of our elders to see what needs we have as a congregation. Let’s “rise again,” as the Proverbs say the righteous will do. God is counting on us.

Kevin Cauley