Sermon Archive (Page 28)

Sermon Archive (Page 28)

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What is the Heart in Scripture?

How Can One Become “Pure of Heart”? Scriptures Referenced Ephesians 1:18Romans 1:21Romans 2:5Matthew 12:34Matthew 23:23–28Matthew 15:7–9James 4:81 Peter 1:14–16Hebrews 12:14Philippians 4:8

What Will It Take?

Scriptures Referenced Matthew 7:14John 17:142 Corinthians 4:8-101 Peter 4:12–13Proverbs 3:5-6Hebrews 4:16Colossians 3:23

Desire Conceived Gives Birth to Sin

Taught live on Sunday Evening, January 22, 2023 Lively discussion using James 1:13-14 on whether thoughts alone (without action) can constitute sin. Please note: Initial presentations contained false teaching. The elders met with Dave and corrected his flawed understand. Correction presented in Part 3.

Trusting in Jesus

Scriptures Referenced Ephesians 1:11–12Romans 5:8Luke 5:1–11Matthew 14:25–31Romans 4:17–22Ephesians 1:21–22Philippians 3:8–9Philippians 3:10–11