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Sermon Archive (Page 34)

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Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 1

Taught live Sunday September 11, 2022 Introduction Understanding the Four Gospels Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 1-10 Outline: Lesson Plan 1 An important question: why does the NT contain four Gospels? Let us ask some questions that may provide some answers. Who Wrote the Four Gospels? A. Matthew—a former tax collector and apostleB. Mark—the John Mark of the Book of Acts, a young preacherC. Luke—Dr. Luke accompanied Paul on several of his missionary…

Slow to Anger/Wrath

Scriptures Referenced: Ephesians 4:31Colossians 4:6Psalm 37:8Proverbs 14:17Proverbs 14:29Proverbs 15:18Proverbs 16:32Proverbs 19:19Romans 12:19Ephesians 4:31Colossians 3:8Ephesians 4:26John 2:24–251 Peter 2:21–23Ephesians 4:26Ephesians 4:31–322 Timothy 2:24–26

Lifetime Commitment

Scriptures Referenced: Romans 12:1–2Ruth 1:15–17John 14:15Luke 9:62Luke 14:27–30James 2:21–241 Corinthians 13:7John 19:30Revelation 2:10

God Given Purpose

Scriptures Referenced: Acts 2:47Ephesians 1:22–232 John 9Matthew 4:4Psalm 42:1–2Proverbs 29:181 Corinthians 10:31Matthew 28:18–20Ecclesiastes 12:12–13