Sermons on Luke (Page 3)
Are you confident in prayer?
Scriptures Referenced Matthew 9:36-38James 5:16Luke 18:1-8Psalm 13:1Habakkuk 1:22 Peter 2:9Romans 12:191 Peter 5:6-7Luke 6:46Luke 22:422 Samuel 12:15-231 Peter 3:12John 9:31
Parable of the Fig Tree
Scriptures Referenced Luke 13:1–91 John 1:8–102 Corinthians 7:10Romans 3:23Revelation 21:8Acts 17:30–31Luke 13:6–9Ezekiel 33:112 Peter 3:8–9John 15:8Colossians 1:13–14
Back to Basics
Taught live Sunday, April 2, 2023 Steps to Salvation
Lies we tell ourselves
Taught live March 29, 2023 Covering Luke 12:22-34
Having Regard for Others
Scriptures Referenced: Isaiah 53:7Matthew 8:18–221 Peter 2:21–23Matthew 26:62-63Matthew 27:13-14Matthew 27:30-31Matthew 27:39–44Luke 23:34Matthew 16:21Mark 14:36
Examining the Teaching of Christ
Scriptures Referenced: John 12:47Luke 9:561 Corinthians 15:221 Corinthians 15:21Acts 17:30-31Matthew 10:34–37Ephesians 2:13–14
Trusting in Jesus
Scriptures Referenced Ephesians 1:11–12Romans 5:8Luke 5:1–11Matthew 14:25–31Romans 4:17–22Ephesians 1:21–22Philippians 3:8–9Philippians 3:10–11
Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 12
Introduction Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness: Deeper StudyLooking into the Face of JesusThe Life of Christ, 1: Pages 105-115 Outline: Lesson Plan 12 A. The location1. The holy city—Jerusalem2. Most revered site in the city—the temple 3. Most prominent point – the pinnacle III. The Third Temptation—the Test of His Mission (Matthew 4:8–11) Conclusion
Are you a good person
Scriptures Referenced Romans 5:7Ecclesiastes12:13Genesis3:17Genesis9:21Exodus2:12Genesis16:2Judges14:22 Samuel11:1-12:311 Kings19:3-4Luke18:19Romans5:12Romans6:3-4
Life of Christ Lesson 10
Introduction Jesus’ Baptism Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 103-105 Outline: Lesson Plan 10 A. What happened when Jesus came up out of the water? 1. The Holy Spirit descended upon Him as a dove. 2. God spoke (see Matthew 3:16, 17). C. The three Persons of the Godhead1. All three were present doing different things. 2. But they, together, constitute the One God. Conclusion D. John knew that Jesus was the Messiah. How?…
Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 9
Introduction The Beginning of the Ministry of John Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 93-99 Outline: Lesson Plan 9 I. The Beginning of His Ministry 5. He would explain who was to repent, what it meant, and what would happen if you did not. II. The Message of His Ministry A. It was message of change. III. The Baptism of His Ministry “baptizer.”baptism was one of immersion. C. John’s 3:23). 5. John and Jesus…
Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 8
Taught live Sunday, November 27, 2022 Introduction Jesus’ Life Prior to His Ministry: The Introduction of Christ, Part 5 The Silent YearsLooking into the Face of JesusLife of Christ, 1: Pages 82–89 Outline: Lesson Plan 8 I. The Flight to Egypt and Herod’s Slaughter A. Read Matthew 2:13–18. d. Bethlehem was a small city, so the estimations of the number of babies killed range between 12–50. B. Why did God not protect those babies? Any thoughts? II. Jesus Brought to…