Sermons on Matthew (Page 6)

Sermons on Matthew (Page 6)

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 11

Introduction Jesus’ Temptation Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 105-115 Outline: Lesson Plan 11 Conclusion 1. The 3 temptations—remember 1 John 2:16.2. Turning the Stones into bread: “lust of the flesh” (appetite)3. Jumping safely from the temple: “pride of life” (acclaim)4. Viewing the glory of the kingdoms of the world: “lust of the eyes” (avarice)

Life of Christ Lesson 10

Introduction Jesus’ Baptism Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 103-105 Outline: Lesson Plan 10 A. What happened when Jesus came up out of the water? 1. The Holy Spirit descended upon Him as a dove. 2. God spoke (see Matthew 3:16, 17). C. The three Persons of the Godhead1. All three were present doing different things. 2. But they, together, constitute the One God. Conclusion D. John knew that Jesus was the Messiah. How?…

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 9

Introduction The Beginning of the Ministry of John Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 93-99 Outline: Lesson Plan 9 I. The Beginning of His Ministry 5. He would explain who was to repent, what it meant, and what would happen if you did not. II. The Message of His Ministry A. It was message of change. III. The Baptism of His Ministry “baptizer.”baptism was one of immersion. C. John’s 3:23). 5. John and Jesus…

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 8

Taught live Sunday, November 27, 2022 Introduction Jesus’ Life Prior to His Ministry: The Introduction of Christ, Part 5 The Silent YearsLooking into the Face of JesusLife of Christ, 1: Pages 82–89 Outline: Lesson Plan 8 I. The Flight to Egypt and Herod’s Slaughter A. Read Matthew 2:13–18. d. Bethlehem was a small city, so the estimations of the number of babies killed range between 12–50. B. Why did God not protect those babies? Any thoughts? II. Jesus Brought to…

Teacher & Lord

Scriptures Referenced: John 13:13Hebrews 1:1–4Matthew 22:16–18John 6:63John 8:31–32Matthew 24:35Hebrews 4:15Matthew 5:39Matthew 5:43–44Luke 11:53–54Matthew 22:35–40Matthew 28:18–20

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 7-8

Taught live Sunday, November 20, 2022 Introduction Jesus’ Life Prior to His Ministry: The Introduction of Christ, Part 5 The Silent YearsLooking into the Face of JesusLife of Christ, 1: Pages 82–89 Outline: Lesson Plan 8 I. The Flight to Egypt and Herod’s Slaughter A. Read Matthew 2:13–18. d. Bethlehem was a small city, so the estimations of the number of babies killed range between 12–50. B. Why did God not protect those babies? Any thoughts? II. Jesus Brought to…

Blessed are the Meek

Scriptures Referenced: Matthew 5:51 Peter 2:23Philippians 2:4–8Numbers 12:3James 1:211 Peter 3:15Colossians 3:12–13Matthew 11:28–30

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 6

Taught live Sunday, November 6, 2022 Introduction Jesus’ Life Prior to His Ministry: The Introduction of Christ, Part 3 The Births of Jesus and John the Baptist Looking into the Face of JesusThe Life of Christ, 1: Pages 60-67 Outline: Lesson Plan 6 Texts for this study: Luke 1:57–80, 2:1–7; Matthew 1:18–25 As we come to the births of John and Jesus, let us especially notice the divine evidence that surrounded those births. The Gospels have evidence as their primary…

Is Heaven your Treasure?

Scriptures Referenced: Ecclesiastes 1:1-10Ecclesiastes 12:9–14Matthew 13:44Matthew 6:33Philippians 3:4–8Matthew 25:31–40Colossians 3:23Ephesians 6:4

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 1

Taught live Sunday September 11, 2022 Introduction Understanding the Four Gospels Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 1-10 Outline: Lesson Plan 1 An important question: why does the NT contain four Gospels? Let us ask some questions that may provide some answers. Who Wrote the Four Gospels? A. Matthew—a former tax collector and apostleB. Mark—the John Mark of the Book of Acts, a young preacherC. Luke—Dr. Luke accompanied Paul on several of his missionary…