Sermons by David Szostek (Page 2)

Sermons by David Szostek (Page 2)

Victory in Jesus

Scriptures Referenced Revelation 2:10Revelation 3:211 Peter 1:3–4 10 Persecutions of Roman Emperors Legal Edicts

It’s Time to GO

Some Statistics World Population 8,178,983,374 World Birth Rates World Death Rates Scriptures Referenced John 17:20-21Luke 24:44-47Isaiah 53:6 Conclusion If we “Won’t Go” to the Lost, You have the Power to change someone’s Eternal destiny! What will you choose?

Why Soul Winning Matters

Why Soul Winning Matters Scriptures Referenced Mark 1:14–152 Corinthians 4:4Matthew 25:462 Peter 3:9John 8:31Mark 10:451 Corinthians 15:3Matthew 16:18Mark 9:1Luke 14:23Mark 16:15–16Ephesians 1:22–23