Sermons from 2021

Sermons from 2021

Mistaken Identity

You ever been misidentified? April 26, 2006 Whitney became Laura! Over one month theVan Ryn family tookcare of Whitney. Whitney felt heart broken and confused. As a freshman atTaylor College shewas not spiritual. Whitney feltwhy did I live? But God uses the small things on earth (David, Mary, etc…) My power is made strong in weakness. II Corinthians 12:9 Whitney was just a small shy girl onthe Today Show andGood Morning America People prayed and the doctor said she would…

Learning to be Content

Taught live on Sunday, December 26, 2021 Intro: News Years Resolution: My Resolution was to lose 10 lbs.  Only 15 to go! I am not smart, average grades, average athlete, under average musician. There is always someone who is er. (smarter, richer, thinner, faster, luckier, etc) Eventually, we don’t want er, but est. Smartest, richest, thinnest, fastest, luckiest, etc) There is no win in comparison. Discontent is fueled by comparison is dangerous. Thus, we don’t get along with est –misery.…

Focus on God

Focus on God Hebrews 2:1-2 Intro: Pay attention or you will ______. Drift spiritually, morally, physically, and _________. “Worship money and you will never have _______.” Rockefeller Israel, Christians and our even our U.S. country– all _______. Drifting is disastrous to our country and our ______. God says, “Concentrate on My _______.” When we drift, we take our ____ off God. Soaring _________ at Disney World. I Samuel 17–Israelites looked at everything ______. V. 33 – You are a boy…

Simple Evangelism

Simple Evangelism   Matthew 9:38 Lead me to some soul today,O teach me, Lord, just what to say;Friends of mine are lost in sin,And cannot find their way.Few there are who seem to care,And few there are who pray;Melt my heart, and fill my life,Give me one soul today. Intro: I want to stress it is called Simple Evangelism and not _______ evangelism. I believe that evangelism must be_________: This lesson has just one simple goal: Help us realize at some…

How Thankful Are You?

Scriptures Referenced: Psalm 100:1–5; Ephesians 2:10; John 3:16; Psalm 46:10; Romans 1:20–21; Jeremiah 9:23–24; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; 2 Corinthians 9:15