Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

You ever been misidentified?

April 26, 2006

Whitney became Laura!

Over one month the
Van Ryn family took
care of Whitney.

Whitney felt heart broken and confused.

As a freshman at
Taylor College she
was not spiritual.

Whitney felt
why did I live?

But God uses the small things on earth (David, Mary, etc…)

My power is made strong in weakness.

II Corinthians 12:9

Whitney was just a small shy girl on
the Today Show and
Good Morning America

People prayed and the doctor said she would be a vegetable

Prayers from all
over the U.S.

Acts 2:42

Test 1—could not pass
Test 2—2nd grade mentally
Test 3—8th grade level

Only problem was she was missing a piece of her ear

comb overs hide all!

Whitney’s accident caused her to
see” spiritually.

What a valuable lesson.

She moved to Kenya as a missionary
for six years.

II Corinthians 3:2

“Set your mind on things above.”

In Kenya, learned God was real and knew her identity

I John 2:6

“Our identity is in Christ”

Give God control
of your life.

Wrote a book thinking
“If I write a book I won’t have to speak anymore.”

Now I trust God
in everything.

Easy to feel comfortable and not do anything uncomfortable.

“I know your deeds
Wake up church!

Revelation 3

You haven’t committed to God? What are
you waiting for?
