Sermons from November 2021

Sermons from November 2021

Focus on God

Focus on God Hebrews 2:1-2 Intro: Pay attention or you will ______. Drift spiritually, morally, physically, and _________. “Worship money and you will never have _______.” Rockefeller Israel, Christians and our even our U.S. country– all _______. Drifting is disastrous to our country and our ______. God says, “Concentrate on My _______.” When we drift, we take our ____ off God. Soaring _________ at Disney World. I Samuel 17–Israelites looked at everything ______. V. 33 – You are a boy…

Simple Evangelism

Simple Evangelism   Matthew 9:38 Lead me to some soul today,O teach me, Lord, just what to say;Friends of mine are lost in sin,And cannot find their way.Few there are who seem to care,And few there are who pray;Melt my heart, and fill my life,Give me one soul today. Intro: I want to stress it is called Simple Evangelism and not _______ evangelism. I believe that evangelism must be_________: This lesson has just one simple goal: Help us realize at some…

How Thankful Are You?

Scriptures Referenced: Psalm 100:1–5; Ephesians 2:10; John 3:16; Psalm 46:10; Romans 1:20–21; Jeremiah 9:23–24; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; 2 Corinthians 9:15