Sermons from 2023 (Page 14)

Sermons from 2023 (Page 14)

Happy New Year

Scriptures Referenced Ecclesiastes 9:10Matthew 6:331 Corinthians 9:24–27Hebrews 11:61 Timothy 6:11–121 John 3:11John 13:352 Corinthians 5:15Matthew 16:24–26Philippians 1:27

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 12

Introduction Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness: Deeper StudyLooking into the Face of JesusThe Life of Christ, 1: Pages 105-115 Outline: Lesson Plan 12 A. The location1. The holy city—Jerusalem2. Most revered site in the city—the temple 3. Most prominent point – the pinnacle III. The Third Temptation—the Test of His Mission (Matthew 4:8–11) Conclusion

Are you a good person

Scriptures Referenced Romans 5:7Ecclesiastes 12:13Genesis 3:17Genesis 9:21Exodus 2:12Genesis 16:2Judges 14:22 Samuel 11:1-12:311 Kings 19:3-4Luke 18:19Romans 5:12Romans 6:3-4

Life of Christ Challenge Lesson 11

Introduction Jesus’ Temptation Looking into the Face of Jesus The Life of Christ, 1: Pages 105-115 Outline: Lesson Plan 11 Conclusion 1. The 3 temptations—remember 1 John 2:16.2. Turning the Stones into bread: “lust of the flesh” (appetite)3. Jumping safely from the temple: “pride of life” (acclaim)4. Viewing the glory of the kingdoms of the world: “lust of the eyes” (avarice)