5 Warnings for the Christmas Season

5 Warnings for the Christmas Season

I Timothy 6

A. This season depends on what we chose to focus on.

B. Paul letter was written to several groups.

C. Groups:

  • slaves(v 1-2),
  • Heretics (v 3-4),
  • Godliness (v 6),
  • Lovers of Money, Rich (v 10).

D. Do not write off the rich because we don’t know what they do with their riches.

E. (V 18) Don’t get conceited but:

  1. To be good
  2. To be rich in good deeds
  3. To be ready to share

F. Dangers of Christmas:

  1. Doctrinal dangers (Col 1:18) Christ is the head of the Church…he has preeminence.
  2. Danger of impressing without imparting Jesus.
  3. Danger of spending more than you have.
  4. Danger of being built up for a let down.
  5. Danger of spoiling our children and grandchildren.

Closing: Student’s gift to the teacher.