Church Membership

Church Membership


Ephesians 5:25-33

Intro: Is Church Membership essential?

  • A. Generation ago? “We want the Man, but not the plan.”
  • B. Today? “Yes to the Jesus; No to the Church.”
  • C. There are many that think they can have a relationship with Jesus and simply discard the Church.
  • D. The question is: is Church membership essential?
  • E. Acts 20:28– “(Jesus) purchased the church with His own blood.“
  • F. Ephesians 5:25–“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for her.”
  • G. Jesus 1–purchased the Church, 2–with His blood, 3–loved the Church and 4–compared marital love to the love He had for the Church.
  • H. How can anyone think he can have a relationship with Jesus and discard the Church?
  • I. Can one be saved outside the Church? (Acts 2:47)
  • J. Notice: They did not join the Church but were added to the Church after baptism.
  • K. Nowhere did the Lord promise to save those who were outside the Church.
  • L. How can the Elders shepherd the Church if the sheep aren’t a part of the flock?
  • M. The Apostle Paul gives us a great example of being a member of the local church in Jerusalem (Acts 9:26).
  • I. If you say “yes” to Jesus, you must say “yes” to His Church.
  • J. If you want the “man,” you must also want the “plan.”

Concl: The plan involves the Church.

Scriptures Referenced

Acts 20:28
Ephesians 5:25
Acts 2:47
Acts 9:26